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19 March 2012

Lent IV: A Prayer For The Light Of Christ

LORD God Almighty, creator and sustainer of all that is, we your human creatures ask for the light of your truth. Let your truth, LORD, illuminate our minds, expose our defections to each of us singly in the depths of our hearts, and intensify our love for You, who are indeed all good and worthy of undying love.

Father of all that is, we believe that in Jesus Christ, we see and experience your truth and your goodness. You give us Christ as our most sure way to return to You. You give us Christ as your Truth dwelling in our minds, and as the cause of our love and joy. You give us Christ with his teaching and His love to inspire us to live well, to expose our shortcomings, to reconcile us to You.

In Christ Jesus we glimpse your utter goodness--a most generous love for each of your creatures, bringing each and all to perfection. In Christ we behold a beauty beyond and within all that is beautiful, and you give us a joy beyond words.

Therefore, LORD God, we thank you and praise your goodness, we choose to listen to Christ for our personal guidance and correction, we delight in your beauty, we celebrate as a people together your Oneness drawing all into Yourself. By your searching Spirit, keep us faithful to Christ’s penetrating words, turn us away from all that would harm us or others, and help us to help one another for our lasting good.

To You, all holy One, be our true love and devotion, now and into the age of ages--into that timeless time that is not time, but Eternity. In You alone, LORD, each finds our true home, now and forever. Thank You, LORD. Amen.