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24 March 2014

When the Well is Dry

Within an hour, this bulletin must be finished. Nothing has come to mind to write as a mediation. What does one do when the well is dry? One returns to the Source of all that exists.

LORD God Almighty, God of Abraham, Moses, and the prophets, God of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and the host of saintly people through the ages, In You all begins, each being has its origin; and in You we all have our End without end: Help each of us to honor You more generously with our lives than with our lips, To revere You in our hearts, and in the heart of our neighbor, and in every creature: Help each of us to love You not only as You are, but also in all whom You love, including in the man, woman, child who is hurting, who needs some support.

LORD God, as you came to the rescue of your people enslaved in Egypt, move us to have hearts of compassion, and hands to take action to help relieve the sufferings of others. Surely You in your infinite goodness are drawn to suffer in and with those who suffer; help us to do likewise, as we draw on your strength and compassion. Inspire us, LORD, to suffer with and for one another, that we may truly be your people.

As we continue on our Lenten journey towards Easter, As we continue on our life-long journey home to You, Eternal One, forgive, cleanse, and heal our defections, our sins, our betrayals of Your will and justice; and strengthen our will to do good, to reject evil, and to overcome evils with good. Strengthen us, LORD, with the Life and Love by which you conquered sin and death, and set us free from slavery to ourselves that we may serve You in deed and in truth.

LORD, what can I possibly say or do to be a source of blessing to your people? Keep me from betraying You, from hurting any of them, from betraying their trust. With St. Francis, LORD, make me, make each of us, a channel of your peace, a vessel of your holiness, a conduit of blessings You pour into your people.

To You, eternal Father, only-begotten God, and Holy Spirit, be honor and obedience now and into the timeless age of eternity.  Amen.