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02 January 2016


“If a tree falls in the woods, and there was no one present, did it make a sound?” The Incarnation of God become flesh was hidden at Christmas, except to Mary and the adoring angels. On Epiphany we celebrate our recognition of the Incarnation, of God become flesh in Christ. Put differently: God has manifested himself to us in Christ. The wise men represent us, the nations, the Gentiles, coming to the light of Christ.

By faith we are fascinated by Jesus of Nazareth, and find in him the God whom we are seeking. By faith, we are aware that the same God continues to incarnate himself in us, the Body of Christ in history. Through the open door of faith, the light of the eternal God streams into our minds, enlightening us with the wisdom of humility and love. Because of this experience of enlightenment through faith, in the early church, baptism, which was practiced primarily on consenting adults, was called “photismos,” enlightening. It was not just a water bath, an immersion into a stream, but a public celebration of an inward response to the light of Christ flooding the mind and soul of a human being.

Because you and I have been enlightened by faith in Christ, we are here now, at this Eucharist. “We give thanks to Thee, o God, for thy great glory.” Because we remain open to receiving Christ’s love and wisdom, we are motivated to live each day with a sense of purpose and energy. Because we have received God’s mercy in Christ, we seek to extend his mercy to those who are lost, fallen, cut off.

“Epiphany” means “Manifestation.” God has manifested himself to you, and is manifesting himself to you. Are you aware of how God manifests himself to you, or displays his goodness and wisdom to you? If you see light, you are beholding Christ. How do you manifest our Lord to those whom you meet?

I wish all of our parishioners, families, friends a happy, blessed, safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Please remember to drive safely and soberly. Let’s live each day as a gift, for it is.
