Christ did not abandon us; He is with us ever more. As the Risen and exalted LORD, Jesus Christ is able to be more present to you and to all who turn to God than Jesus could be had he remained physically on earth. The Ascension of Christ indicates that space and time cannot limit his loving and wise rule over human beings. Spiritual reality is not limited by bodily presence. Absent in body, the Risen Christ is present with you in spirit. That means: the more you love Christ, the more you experience his presence and love for you. Love is its own reward.
So we have not been abandoned. Through the Ascension, Christ is fully one with God, and present in love, power, and wisdom, wherever God is. Where is God? Where is God not? Nowhere. Do you not hear Christ’s words in your heart? Do you not cherish the moments when you experienced his love and gentle goodness?
“Behold, I AM with you always, even to the end of the age.” So Christ has spoken, so it is true.
Through your love, Christ is in you and with you. Through kindness, generosity, simple acts of goodness, you make Christ Jesus present to the ones you truly love. And so you spread his Kingdom through your loving deeds, truthful words, work to benefit human beings.