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24 December 2013

Beginning of a Christmas Message

Dear Friend,

I have fairly often told folks in homilies that every Eucharistic celebration is essentially one, because we are sharing in the same divine mystery, from different perspectives: different gospel stories, different feasts, different saints, but each pointing to, and incarnating, the Oneness of God in a unique way.

I turned to God in prayer this morning, wanting both to sit in silence, and yet needing a message for Christmas. I cannot say well what happened. It just happened. It is all one. The oneness, wisdom, love, power, and sheer humility of God are one. Creation-Incarnation-Resurrection, is all one.
I cannot put it into words. But just think of the sheer humility of our God visible in Jesus, born of the Virgin. It is all one, so simple, and beautiful beyond words.